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UK, Scotland Economy and Referendum

Written By GA Team on Sunday 9 November 2014 | 4:51 pm


The win of Pro-independence Scottish National Party in 2011 election overwhelmingly has brought about a Marathon of “Yes” or “NO” in the UK. Although the result has come out and the majority of Scots want to stay in union, but the battle between both of these countries has been ended or not, it is still questionable as the Scotland government, headed by Alex Salmond, has opinion that staying in the union is vague and now Scots should decide its destiny. On the other hand, British Prime minister David Cameron contradicted his statement saying that the UK is the most successful political union.

So, what has brought both Scots and Britain at dagger drawn? To know what are the bone of contention between both of these countries, we would have to cast glance on the little history and current issues prevalent in the region

Why does Scotland want to get away from the UK?
The Marathon of “Yes” had to face a strong blow recently but “No affection to British factor” cannot be ignored. Even though both nations has been living side by side for decades after the acts of union in 1707, yet they have a long history of slew of battles, theirs impugnation is unlikely to fade even into the modern era as Scot’s general dislikes English and are not interested to abandon it.

Economic Issues:
Economic issues has made the situation more deterring as discrepancies over agriculture issue-payment of receipts from the EU under the common agriculture policy (CAP), Budgetary and immigration control –UK withdrawal of Schengen area-means travelers will have to face full passport control excluding Ireland-, Nuclear weapons holdings –SNP is not in favor of holding nuclear weapon at its territory while British rebuffed their views.

Oil and Currency:
Moreover, it seems as if war for oil is being fought within the UK territory and it has gripped the region because Oil along with currency has been the biggest apple of discord during election campaign as Scotland wants to take charge of its oil reserve and is willing to have joint currency in case of independence that is unacceptable to the UK. Scotland first minister Mr. Salmond says,’ Earmarking a tenth of revenues-about 1 billion pounds per year-could form an oil fund similar to the one Operated in Norway, creating a 30bn pound sovereign wealth pot over a generation.”
Besides, SNP wanted to continue pounds as its official currency in case of independence that is not supported by British’s other main political parties.

What Political measures should be taken to handle the situation?
Political gurus say that Scots has said ‘No’ to Independence by 55 to 45 percent ,but warned to Britain that it is narrow escape. Analyst believe that majority of anti-independence scots can turn into the favor of SNP if measures are not taken to calm down the woes while a recent poll by Yougov has turned up that now 52 percents of majority support break-up with the union as a result of diminishing support of labor party. So, we can surmise that the sword of debacle is not yet gotten away, if the UK chooses to quit EU, Scotland may call for another referendum in a decade as majority of the Scots are in favors of EU.

Author: Humair Rana


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