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IS jihadists ´seize parts of key Syrian town´

Written By GA Team on Tuesday 7 October 2014 | 1:23 pm


#GNN - #SURUC: #Islamic State jihadists pushed into the key #Syrian town of Kobane on the #Turkish border Monday, seizing three districts in the city´s east after fierce street fighting with its Kurdish defenders.
Kobane, also known as Ain al-Arab, has become a strategic battleground between the IS group and its opponents, who include the United States and its Western and Arab allies.

Taking Kobane would give the IS organisation control of a long stretch of the Syria-Turkey border.

The jihadists launched their latest assault on Kobane after a three-week siege with a wave of suicide bomb attacks, Mustefa Ebdi, a Kurdish activist from the town, said on his Facebook page.

After penetrating the city, they waged street battles against Kurdish defenders, sending hundreds of civilians fleeing towards the Turkish border, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

“They have taken the industrial zone, Maqtala al-Jadida and Kani Arabane in eastern Kobane after violent combat with Kurdish People´s Protection Units (YPG) fighters” who had far fewer men and arms, said the Observatory.

Kurdish fighters meanwhile ordered all civilians to evacuate Kobane, Mustafa Bali, a spokesman for Kurds in the city, told AFP, adding that some 2,000 people had left the city.

Source: AIP, aaj, AFP


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