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Sirajul Haq conveys Imran’s demands to #PM

Written By GA Team on Wednesday 6 August 2014 | 6:20 pm


#GNN - #ISLAMABAD: Frenzied efforts are under way to defuse a brewing political crisis. Jamaat-e-Islami ameer Sirajul Haq had a busy day on Wednesday when he held back-to-back meetings with PTI Chairman Imran Khan, PPP senior leader Syed Khursheed Shah and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. 
The meetings came a day after the government formally sought help from the political leadership to avert two major protests scheduled for later this month.

The JI chief conveyed the PTI demands to the prime minister for breaking a crippling stalemate. “It’s mandatory for all political forces to respect people’s mandate. We respect others’ mandate and they should respect ours,” a statement issued by the Prime Minister’s office quoted Nawaz as telling Haq.

The premier added that solution to all issues could be worked out through dialogue and through democracy. Nawaz also assured the JI chief that he would consider his proposals for defusing the situation.

The JI chief said that he has given a set of proposals to the government and now it was up to the government how to tackle the situation. “The PTI demands are known to all. The question is how the government finds the middle ground to resolve the matter,” Haq told journalists after meeting the prime minister. “It is a test of the federal government.”

About the allegations of rigging in the 2013 elections, Haq said the Election Commission of Pakistan had failed to perform its duty. He added that the PTI had been protesting against the alleged rigging for over a year but nothing happened. “We also want an end to electoral fraud once and for all,” he added.
Zardari concerned over political situation
After meeting the JI chief, PPP leader Syed Khursheed Shah told the media that his party’s co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari was concerned about the volatile political situation and wanted the government to complete its five-year constitutional term. “The PPP doesn’t want to exploit the situation,” he added.

Shah said Pakistan had been ruled by dictators, directly or indirectly, for 56 years and “we want the government to complete its term so that Pakistan will not become a laughing stock in the world”.

Asked about Imran Khan’s demand that the prime minister step down, Shah said that resignations would not solve the problem. “We would have to find a constitutional way out,” he added. “The real issue is electoral reforms and a parliamentary committee formed for this purpose should meet as early as possible.”

About PTI’s upcoming Azadi March, Shah said it was a democratic right of every political party to hold rallies and that the government should not deny them their right. “It would be undemocratic to stop someone from staging a rally,” he added.

The JI chief said that “we are making efforts to avert any collusion”. Talking about National Assembly speaker’s offer to resign from his seat if it could appease the PTI, Haq said, “No one should give sacrifice.” He hoped that the political leadership would find a way out.

Meeting with Imran Khan
About his meeting with Imran Khan, the JI chief said that his party would take a decision about joining the Azadi March after August 10 as the party was busy in connection with a rally in Islamabad on August 10 and then a million-march in Karachi to express solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza.

Speaking to the media outside Imran’s residence in Bani Gala, Haq confirmed that Imran invited his party to participate in the Azadi March. “We are against election fraud that took place in the May 11, 2013 elections,” he said, adding that rigging also took place in Karachi and that the JI, too, wanted a transparent electoral process. “Those involved in the rigging should be punished.”

He said the government should listen to Imran’s complaints and noted that it was unfortunate that no action had been taken so far. “We want these problems to be solved peacefully, even though some people wish a conflict in the government,” he added.

Meanwhile, Khursheed Shah called on ANP chief Asfandyar Wali.  Addressing the media after the meeting, the ANP chief said, “We respect people’s mandate and not Nawaz Sharif.”

Published in GNN, Tribune, AIP, August 7th, 2014.


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