On this occasion I will share my home-made template that is "Blue Responsive Template", although the results are less good karen I am just learning to make their own blogspot template. For those who want to try my homemade template please download instantly. Hopefully it can be accepted.
- Responsive Template blogger.
- JSON Search Result on the menu.
- Homepage modification with 2 column table of contents (script of Yoogle that I modified)
- Right sidebar
- Related Posts / Articles related thumbnail (moretechtips modification of the script that I modified by re-Yoogle).
- Emoticons in the comments section (script from Yoogle).
- 2 types of menu is Normal Menu and Mobile Menu
- SEO optimization.
- IE9 a modern browser support, Mozilla, Chrome
- Blue color.
Arrangement / / HomePage / / Find the following code
< script type = 'text / javascript' >
/ / <! [CDATA [
var showPostDate = true ,
showComments = true ,
idMode = true ,
sortByLabel = false ,
labelSorter = "" ,
loadingText = "Loading ..." ,
totalPostLabel = "Number of posts:" ,
jumpPageLabel = "Page" ,
commentsLabel = "Comment" ,
rmoreText = "More ►" ,
prevText = "Prev" ,
nextText = "Next" ,
siteurl = " " ,
postsperpage = 8 ,
NUMCHARS = 150 ,
imgBlank = "" ;
/ /]]>
</ script >
Please adjust your own dressing with your blog address.