According to Indian media, Gadkari said Ambani made the request at a meeting in Mumbai during Clinton's visit to India in March 2000, when Atal Bihari Vajpayee was the prime minister.
Clinton and his delegation also had a formal event at the Mumbai Stock Exchange, at which Gadkari was present as the leader of opposition in the Maharashtra legislative council.
Before that programme, Dhirubhai met Clinton and requested him to use his good relations with Musharraf to save Sharif's life, for it was feared that Musharraf would get rid of Sharif like how Zia-ul-Haq got rid of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.
After his visit to India, Clinton went to Pakistan where apparently he secured a pardon for Sharif's life after discussions with Musharraf.
"He even conveyed this to Dhirubhai," said Gadkari. Thereafter, Sharif was exiled from Pakistan and offered asylum in Saudi Arabia. (Monitoring Desk) (GNN)