Earn Money from Google Adsense via YouTube

Written By GA Team on Tuesday 26 February 2013 | 4:37 am


In today’s world, there are many different ways to make money online. One of the avenues to pursuing a profit online is by using your YouTube channel.

There are thousands of YouTube channels on the web today and many of them are now using Google Adsense to generate a profit for themselves. But just how does this process work? And how can you begin?

The Process

The way that you generate income using your YouTube channel is to become a YouTube partner. To get paid from YouTube, however, you need an Adsense account. If you get accepted by Google Adsense and YouTube, you can insert ads into your videos. You then get paid based on the amount of clicks per ad, similar to Google Adsense ads on other websites.

Grow Your Audience

Before applying to YouTube, you should have a good-sized audience. In order to be assured of acceptance you need at least 5,000 subscribers, 50,000 channel views, and 1,000,000 upload views. There are people who have been accepted with less, but this is almost a guaranteed push in the right direction.

The reason for building your audience is quite simple. YouTube and Adsense definitely don’t want to waste their time and ads on videos that only a handful of people view. And you won’t earn much income if only five people click on an ad. So make sure to promote your YouTube channel in the online and offline world.

Post on a Regular Basis

If you wish to build your audience, you will get more views by continuing to post on a regular basis. People will come back for fresh content if they find that they like your ideas. And if they like your videos enough to share them, their friends may keep coming back for new content. So try to post new videos as often as possible.

Be Professional

In the online advertising world, it definitely pays to be professional. One way to become more professional is to create a brand name for your videos. A brand name gives your viewers a simple way to remember how to find your work www.yoogle.tk.

Create a website to showcase your latest works, and post your videos there as you create them. Make an intro with the brand name for your videos to make them more appealing. If you are professional, you will be able to attract your viewers and they will continue to visit.

Copy Infringement

To make sure that you get accepted by YouTube, don’t use any material in your videos which is copyrighted by other people. This could be another company’s logo, copying the exact script of another video, or simply someone else’s music playing in the background. If you are going to make money online, you should do so through the creation of your own ideas instead of stealing someone else’s.

Become a YouTube Partner

Once you have created your unique videos that appeal to the public and began promoting your channel by creating a brand name, you are ready to apply to become a YouTube partner. Just remember that you must also be accepted by Google Adsense to be paid. Once you have met these conditions, you will begin earning money through your YouTube channel in a short span of time.


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