Corps Commanders conference reaffirms support to democracy

#GNN - #RAWALPINDI: The Corps Commanders conference chaired by Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif ended with the decision that “further use of force will only aggravate the problem”.

The conference was originally planned to take place on Monday but due to the security situation in the Capital and the unrest in the country the meeting was held on Sunday.

According to a press release from the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR), the conference “reviewed with serious concern, the existing political crisis and the violent turn it has taken, resulting in large scale injuries and loss of lives.”

The meeting once again reiterated that the “situation should be resolved politically without wasting any time and without recourse to violent means.”

The ISPR statement ended on the note that the “army remains committed to playing its part in ensuring security of the state and will never fall short of meeting national aspirations.”

Apple’s New Spaceship HQ Doesn’t Look Like A Spaceship Yet, But It’s Huge

#GNN Tech - #Apple’s new spaceship-style campus is one of the last things on the company’s mind right now, with the iPhone launch looming just over the horizon. However, that hasn’t stopped some curious folks from peeking around over at the construction site.

YouTuber jmcminn has captured video on a GoPro Hero 3+ using a Phantom 2 drone, and the end result shows us the foundation of this building for the first time. Earlier shots of the construction site were pretty much just pictures of crop circles in the dirt.

This video not only takes a look at the circular building structure, but shows just how big the campus is in relation to the neighboring buildings.

Apple has been planning this new campus for a long time, with the city of Cupertino giving the company permission to get started back in 2012.

Of course, compared to the mockups we saw back in November, the video can be a bit of a let down. But it’s Labor Day weekend, which gives you a bit more time to use your imagination.

Check out the video here:

Heart drug launch could be 'most exciting ever', says Novartis

#GNN - The expected launch of #Novartis's new heart failure drug next year promises to be the company's most exciting ever and profit margins on the medicine will be good, its head of pharmaceuticals said on Sunday.

The Swiss drugmaker impressed doctors at the European Society of Cardiology meeting in Barcelona at the weekend by unveiling strikingly good clinical trial results for the drug, known as LCZ696, in a keenly awaited clinical trial.

Investigators working on the study and the company itself believe it has potential to replace drugs that have been central to treating heart failure for a quarter of century, opening up a multibillion-dollar sales opportunity.

"It will be possibly the most exciting launch the company has ever had," David Epstein told an investor meeting.

The profitability of the drug would also be higher than Novartis achieved when its blockbuster hypertension medicine Diovan was still patent-protected, since the cost of marketing LCZ696 will be lower. That reflects the more specialized nature of heart failure, which requires a smaller sales force.

As a result, LCZ696 should become profitable relatively quickly, though Novartis will be investing to ensure a strong launch. Epstein said he did not expect any increase in the overall sales force because staff would be switched from promoting some older drugs.

In a research note issued by investment bank Leerink on the back of the strong trial results, analyst Seamus Fernandez said that LCZ696 could rack up annual sales of $6-8 billion, with further upside in emerging markets and from new indications.

The study unveiled in Barcelona targeted heart patients with reduced ejection fraction, where the heart muscle does not contract effectively. However, Novartis is also starting a trial in a similar-sized group with preserved ejection fraction, where the ventricles do not relax as they should.

(GNN)(Reuters)(AIP)(Reporting by Ben Hirschler; Editing by David Goodman)

California passes plastic bag ban, would be first such law in U.S

#GNN - The #California state legislature enacted a ban on plastic grocery bags on Friday near the end of its two-year session, a measure that if signed into law would become the first of its kind in America.
A number of cities and counties in California and other U.S. states, including Hawaii's Maui County, have made it illegal for grocery stores to pack purchases in plastic. But at the state level, opposition from plastic bag makers has usually prevailed.

The California Senate voted 22-15 for the bill, which must be signed into law by Sept. 30 by Democratic Governor Jerry Brown, who has not signaled a position on the measure.

"Single-use plastic bags not only litter our beaches, but also our mountains, our deserts, and our rivers, streams and lakes," said state Senator Alex Padilla, who sponsored the bill.

Padilla backed a similar measure last year but it failed by three votes. The fate of this bill was uncertain until the waning hours of the session after falling three votes short in the state's Assembly on Monday.

But after picking up the support of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, the bill passed a second vote in the Assembly.

The measure would ban grocery stores from handing out single-use grocery bags with customers' purchases, and provide money to local plastic bag companies to retool to make heavier, multiple-use bags that customers could buy.

Environmentalists have pushed for banning plastic bags, which are cheaper for supermarkets to use than paper bags, but create mountains of trash that is difficult to recycle. In California, there is particular concern that the bags, when swept out to sea, could harm ocean life.

After the defeat of his earlier bill, Padilla won the support of some California-based bag makers by including the funding for retooling. But in recent months, out-of-state manufacturers campaigned against the bill, even producing television advertisements targeting Padilla, who is running for secretary of state.

Cathy Browne, general manager at Crown Poly, a plastic bag manufacturer in Huntington Park, California, said the bill would lead to layoffs at companies like hers.

More than 10 billion plastic bags are used in California each year, according to an estimate by Californians Against Waste, an advocacy group supporting the bill.

(GNN)(Reuters)(Writing by Eric M. Johnson; Editing by Sharon Bernstein and Mark Heinrich)

Investors' eyes pinned on ECB as Europe's health deteriorates

#GNN - The European Central #Bank meeting on Thursday is the prime event for markets seeking clarity on the bank's response to a stalled recovery, disappearing inflation and the sluggish pace of reform in the euro zone.

Inflation in the 9.6 trillion euro economy dropped to a fresh five year low of 0.3 percent in August and as the months fly by, the bloc's cushion against Japan-style deflation is getting smaller and smaller.

Increased geopolitical risks from the intensifying conflict in Ukraine forced Europe to impose sanctions on its third biggest trade partner Russia, a move which dented the faltering economic rebound even further.

"Pressure for the ECB to do more has returned, not only because of weak output/inflation data, but mostly following (ECB's President Mario) Draghi's speech in Jackson Hole," said Frederik Ducrozet, senior euro zone economist at Credit Agricole.

Draghi struck a new, for some a groundbreaking, tone trying to cajole European governments into agreeing a common approach to reforming their economies - a drive he sees as necessary to allow the stagnant euro zone to grow with verve.

He will have a hard time selling his message. Countries like the euro zone's second and third largest economies France and Italy are not growing and lag behind significantly with reforms.

So the ECB may have to reach deeper into its policy toolbox, with some analysts even betting on an interest rate cut at the bank's meeting on Thursday.

"We expect the ECB to cut all key interest rates by a further 10 basis points, thereby delivering a larger negative deposit rate (-0.20 pct) as well as a refi rate even closer to zero (0.05 pct)," Nomura wrote in its global market research.

Beyond the euro zone, the week is packed with monetary policy meetings, with Sweden’s Riksbank, the Bank of Canada, the Bank of Japan and the Bank of England all taking the stage. The latter will be closely watched as investors seek guidance on the timing of an expected tightening.

Although no policy action from the Bank of England is foreseen on Thursday, it is still expected to be the first major central bank to lift interest rates when it makes a move early next year, just ahead of the U.S. Federal Reserve.

A string of data about the health of manufacturing in the euro zone countries and Britain will shed fresh light on how European businesses feel about their prospects amid the deepening crisis in Ukraine.

In North America, the calendar will be dominated by Friday's U.S. jobs report for August, after the Fed suggested in its last minutes that the recent good economic news makes it more inclined to raise interest rates sooner.

Markets see a U.S. rate hike coming in spring 2015.

In China, the PMI reading for August is likely to print lower as the property slowdown weighs, reinforcing expectations that further policy steps may be needed to keep economic growth on track.

Beijing will seek to implement much needed reforms to unleash fresh growth drivers and put the world's second-largest economy on a more sustainable footing over time.

The government has pledged to keep policy support "targeted" by boosting investment in bottleneck areas. The chances of imminent cuts in interest rates and bank reserve ratios for all banks look slim.

The Bank of Japan was expected to stay put this week despite household spending falling much more than expected and weak factory output in July.

Analysts said the country was, for now, in no mood to expand monetary stimulus. However, such data undermines the BOJ's rosy economic forecasts and will keep it under pressure to act if the economy fails to gather momentum.


The question most ECB watchers are now asking is when, not if, the Frankfurt-based bank will embark on quantitative easing -- the printing of money to buy government bonds which is now the markets' base scenario.

Even though central banks in the United States, Japan and Britain among others embarked on such a course several years ago, the ECB has been reluctant to follow suit. This is partly due to strong resistance from German central bankers and policymakers and the perceived complexity of buying state debt in a multi-national bloc.

However, a number of economists deciphered Draghi's tone at Jackson Hole as signaling that deflationary risks had risen enough to merit further policy easing, following a rate cut in June combined with measures to flood banks with more cheap money.

The euro zone recovery stalled in the second quarter and the outlook looks poor, even with the bloc's powerhouse Germany expected to return to growth in the three months to September.

"We tend to see the first bond purchases next year. We do not expect the ECB Council to act next Thursday, because it wants to wait for the targeted longer-term refinancing operations (TLTROs) to take effect," Commerzbank wrote in its Week in Focus research.

(GNN)(Reuters)(AIP)(GA)(Additional reporting by Jonathan Cable in London, Jason Lange in Washington and Kevin Yao in Singapore; Editing by Toby Chopra)

China parliament votes on allowing local governments to issue bonds

#GNN - The #National People's #Congress approved allowing some local #governments to issue #bonds directly, a reform that could help stabilize government financing by creating the country's first municipal bond market, parliament announced on Sunday.

The National Audit Office estimated that local governments owed 17.89 trillion yuan ($2.91 trillion) by the end of June and said nine Chinese provinces had failed to pay back some 800 million yuan of debt due in March.

As economic growth slowed, that situation apparently caused regulators to move faster on developing alternative funding channels for local governments.

Beijing has been struggling to find a way to make local governments more fiscally responsible, after they ran up massive debt in the years following the global financial crisis. Economists worried that systems currently in place encouraged local officials to over-invest without regard for returns, in the name of supporting GDP growth at all costs.

Regulators have already experimented with allowing local governments to issue debt directly. The amendment to the country's budget law that parliament passed would simply certify the pilots now underway and allow for their later expansion.

The Ministry of Finance has granted 10 local governments quotas to issue a combined 109.2 billion yuan of municipal bonds this year, a relatively insignificant amount.

Governments in Shanghai, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Shenzhen, Jiangsu, Shandong, Beijing, Qingdao, Ningxia and Jiangxi are included in the pilot scheme.

Other governments are prevented from directly issuing debt, relying on the Ministry of Finance to issue and redeem bonds on their behalf.

(GNN)(Reuters)(AIP)(GA)(Reporting by Pete Sweeney; Editing by Larry King)

Three killed, over 560 injured in Islamabad clashes

#GNN - #ISLAMABAD: The federal capital remains tense after violence broke out on Saturday night when supporters of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan and Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) chief Dr Tahirul Qadri tried to storm PM House using crane’s to remove barricades.

Clashes between police and protesters in which three people were killed and over 560 injured continued on Sunday. 77 of those injured were security officials deployed in the Red Zone.

Protesters several of whom were armed with batons and slingshots started removing containers used as barricades which lead to the police using tear gas to force the crowds back. Authorities said they had no choice but to use force.

Shipping containers were set ablaze, several vehicles stood torched, and hundreds of tear gas canisters lay strewn on the ground on Islamabad's normally pristine Constitution Avenue. Protesters also attacked the Geo News office in Islamabad and a satellite van of the channel.

Scores of protesters carrying hammers and iron rods also broke down a fence outside of parliament late Saturday, enabling hundreds of people to enter the lawns and parking area. Acting IGP Islamabad Khalid Khattak said the protesters were armed with large hammers, wire cutters, axes and even a crane.

Police also beat local journalists covering the protests with batons, injuring some, Railways Minister Khawaja Saad Rafiq said. Rafique said he intervened to stop the police assault and he would ask the government to investigate the officers' conduct.

Protests began with a march from Lahore on August 14 and reached Islamabad the next day. Despite calls by Khan and Qadri for millions to join, crowds never exceeding the tens of thousands. Both Khan and Qadri stayed overnight at the protests, spending most of their time in the containers.

The decision to march to the PM House was taken after talks between the government, PTI and PAT failed to end the deadlock over the resignation of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. PTI chairman Imran Khan has said that an independent probe of rigging in the 2013 general elections cannot be held if Nawaz Sharif remains prime minister. Khan has called for Nawaz Sharif to step down until the proposed judicial commission completes its probe. Government and the majority of opposition parties have dismissed Khan’s demand for the prime minister’s removal.

Joint session of Parliament on Tuesday

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif chaired a high-level meeting on Sunday during which it was decided that a joint session of Parliament would held on Tuesday. According to sources the meeting also took the decision to re-engage the PTI and PAT in talks.

Differences emerge in PTI

Following clashes in Islamabad, differences have emerged within the PTI. The party’s elected president Javed Hashmi said Imran Khan’s decision to march to the PM House was not that of the party’s. He claimed Imran had been prompted to take this decision after receiving a message from Sheikh Rasheed and Saifullah Niazi. Hashmi said Imran Khan would be to blame if democracy was derailed.

In response to Hashmi, Khan dismissed the elected PTI president announcing that ‘from today he had parted ways with him.’ The PTI chairman also announced that three party MNAs who had not submitted their resignations had also been expelled.

Army stresses political resolution to crisis

The Corps Commanders conference chaired by Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif ended with the decision that “further use of force will only aggravate the problem”. The conference was originally planned to take place on Monday but due to the security situation in the Capital and the unrest in the country the meeting was held on Sunday.

According to a press release from the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) wing of the Pakistan Army, the conference “reviewed with serious concern, the existing political crisis and the violent turn it has taken, resulting in large scale injuries and loss of lives.” The meeting once again reiterated that the “situation should be resolved politically without wasting any time and without recourse to violent means.”

The ISPR statement ended on the note that the “army remains committed to playing its part in ensuring security of the state and will never fall short of meeting national aspirations.”

Liaquat Jatoi quits PML-N

#GNN - #KARACHI: Liaquat Jatoi, a member of #Pakistan Muslim League-N (PML-N) Sindh chapter, resigned from the party on Sunday, said spokesman of PML-N.

The resignation of the veteran politician comes at a time when PML-N-led government finds itself in the midst of grave political crisis in the backdrop of weeks of protests in the country’s capital city.

At least one person died and over 400 sustained wounds, as protesters clashed with police during the joint march of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) towards the Prime Minister’s House in Islamabad’s Red Zone.

Have parted ways with Hashmi: Imran Khan

#GNN - #ISLAMABAD: #Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan announced that from today (Sunday) he had parted ways with his elected party President Javed Hashmi.

“I am disappointed with Javed Hashmi,” Khan told protestors from atop his container.

Khan’s announcement came after Javed Hashmi said the PTI chairman made the decision to march towards the PM House after receiving a message from Sheikh Rasheed and Saifullah Niazi. During a news conference Hashmi further said that Imran Khan would be responsible if democracy was derailed.

Khan further announced that three PTI MNAs who had not submitted their resignations from Parliament were also expelled from the party.

Imran Khan reiterated that the PTI would not leave until Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif resigned. Imran rallied protesters to be prepared tonight. According to Khan he had heard that the police would be coming to arrest him and Dr Tahirul Qadri, adding that if the police came they would be ready for them.

Imran Khan further said two police officers had resigned after refusing to use force against protesters.

PM chaired meeting decides to re-engage PTI, PAT in talks

#GNN - #ISLAMABAD: #Government has decided to re-engage #Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) in talks with a view to sort out issues amid clashes between protesters and police that began last night and still continue in the Red Zone of Islamabad.

The decision to the above effect was taken at a high-level meeting chaired by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in the backdrop of deteriorating law and order situation in the capital city.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said the government had adopted the option of dialogue to sort out issues.

The meeting also decided to convene a joint sitting of National Assembly and Senate for Tuesday.

During the meeting, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif ordered concerned authorities to ensure protection of important buildings of the state without causing any casualties. He lauded the role played so far by the police in this regard.

He directed to devise a mechanism to undo the damage done by the violent protests to the technical equipment in the Red Zone.

3000 Policemen deployed, to protect installations in Lahore

#GNN - #LAHORE: #Following the situation in #Islamabad, #security in Lahore has been put on high alert where 3000 policemen have been deployed to protect 8 installations including the Prime Minister and Chief Minister’s residence.

Speaking to Geo News, DIG Operations, Lahore, Dr. Haider Ashraf said that the police has been deployed to protectr important installations so that protesters cannot damage the installations. The DIG added, that policemen have been instructed not to use weapons against the protesters.

The DIG added, that if protesters take the law in their hands, then section 144 will be imposed in Lahore.

Wasim and Shaniera Akram expecting first child

#GNN - #LAHORE: Swing ka Sultan and former Pakistani captain Wasim Akram is expecting his first child with wife Shaniera Akram.

Shaniera described this as an extremely pleasant moment in their lives.

Wasim and Shaniera Akram expecting first child...  Wasim and Shaniera have settled in Karachi after their marriage in August 2013 where they live with the former fast bowlers sons from his first marriage.

Akram’s first wife Huma died after multiple organ failure in 2009.

World Cup will decide who’s number one: Clarke

#GNN #Sports - #HARARE: Next year´s #Cricket World Cup will decide the kings of the 50-over game whatever happens in the race to top the ICC world rankings between now and then, according to Australia captain Michael Clarke.

Australia top the rankings going into Sunday´s triangular series match against Zimbabwe in Harare but, depending on results, could be overhauled this week by India or South Africa, who they face on Tuesday.

Clarke believes that the definitive ruling on the best one-day side will not come until Australia and New Zealand host the World Cup from Feb. 14-March 29 next year.

"Whoever wins that tournament will be seen as the number one one-day team in the world," Clarke told the Cricket Australia website in Zimbabwe.

"That´s the way I´ve always looked at one-day rankings. I guess you love being number one in any form of the game but ... you get a great indicator who is the number one team in the world in six months time playing in a World Cup. "That´s what dictates it."

Australia, who won the World Cup in 1987, 1999, 2003 and 2007, recently lost their brief grip on the number one test ranking to the Proteas.

South Africa´s best showing at the World Cup was a semi-final appearance in the 1999 tournament, when they bowed out despite a tied last four match against the Australians because of their inferior run rate in the Super Six stage.(GNN)(Reuters)(AIP)(GA)

#Kvitova joins upset list in loss to Krunic

#GNN #Sports- NEW YORK: #Top seeds Novak Djokovic and Serena Williams advanced as expected but the upset-riddled U.S. Open women´s draw took another hit when Wimbledon winner Petra Kvitova was ousted by a 145th-ranked qualifier on Saturday.

Kvitova, the third seed, joined the long upset hit-list at the hands of little-known, 21-year-old Aleksandra Krunic of Serbia, becoming the tournament´s fifth victim among the top eight women´s seeds.

Kvitova, outsteadied by the quick-moving Serb, joined Simona Halep (2), Agnieszka Radwanska (4), Angelique Kerber (6) and Ana Ivanovic (8) in being shown the exit.(GNN)(Reuters)(AIP)(GA)

Clockwork heart pacemaker does away with batteries

#GNN - #BARCELONA: #Swiss #engineers, famous for making the #world´s finest watches, are turning their hands to cardiology with a prototype battery-less pacemaker based on a self-winding wristwatch.

Current pacemakers, which help the heart beat more regularly, offer a lifeline for many patients with cardiac problems but the need for battery power is a limiting factor, since replacing them requires a surgical intervention.

Adrian Zurbuchen of the University of Bern´s cardiovascular engineering group aims to get around the problem with his device, using automatic clockwork first developed for pocket watches by Swiss watchmaker Abraham-Louis Perrelet in 1777.

In the same way that an automatic watch winds itself when it moves on the wrist, the clockwork pacemaker generates electrical current using the movement of heart muscle. To do this, it is stitched directly on to the pulsating heart.

So far the experimental system has only been tested on pigs, Zurbuchen told the annual meeting of the European Society of Cardiology in Barcelona on Sunday. The animals hearts were successfully regulated to a steady 130 beats per minute.

"This is a feasibility study. We have shown that it is possible to pace the heart using the power of its own motion," Zurbuchen said.

The research is still at an early stage and there is, as yet, no schedule for human testing.

Zurbuchen has also not discussed the idea with potential industrial partners but he said it was "probably a good time to look" for backers.

Other researchers are investigating ways to get rid of batteries in pacemakers by transmitting power through the body from an external source - but the idea of using clockwork is novel.

Automatic watches work because they have an eccentric weight that pivots when the wearer´s arm moves. This rotation progressively winds a spring that then turns the watch mechanism.

In the new Swiss pacemaker, the mechanical spring unwinds to spin an electrical micro-generator. (GNN)(Reuters)(AIP)(GA)